Guidelines - Research
As Brains, Minds & Media is a journal for new media in the neural and cognitive sciences, we focus on the following topics:
- research with application of new media in the neural and cognitive science
- education and learning with new media in the neural and cognitive science
- development of new media applications for education and research in the neural and cognitive science
- evaluation of educational scenarios with reference to neural and cognitive science
Additionally, we publish articles on educational projects, that may cover one of the above mentioned topics. These articles can be in form of
- a project feature, covering the ongoing activity and interim results,
- a report on project results, including some materials, if available.
Last but not least we encourage the submission of review articles or viewpoints for the information of a broader field of readers. Here are some topics of interest:
- mechanism of human learning, such as media triggered learning.
- didactics and innovative concepts for teaching neural and cognitive sciences.
- foundations of the design and application of new media in education.
Review articles should open a linkage to the application of the reviewed topics to education and teaching in the neural and cognitive sciences.