Special Issue on Realistic Neural Modeling
This special issue provides article versions of eight tutorials presented at the 1st Conference of the World Association of Modelers: Biologically Accurate Modeling Meeting (WAM-BAMM '05), held in San Antonio, Texas, in March 2005.
The issue deals with methods and practical implications of biologically accurate modeling and offers introductory and advanced tutorials mainly based on the tools GENESIS and NEURON. Some contributions provide supplementary material, such as GENESIS source code, detailed modeling and user instructions, or visualisations.
Part of the articles covers the question of realistic modeling ranging from a general introduction to modeling of single cells, calcium concentrations, biochemical pathways, and synaptic input patterns. The other articles are concerned with tools and techniques, like how to use GENESIS and P-GENESIS for modeling, recent developments in NEURON and the role of XML for model specifications in neuroscience.