Guidelines - Materials
Types of Materials
Materials should consist of a (already tested) tutorial, that can be used in higher eduaction of neural and cognitve science. Since BMM is a journal for new media, we are open for any type of new media. For instance, tutorials with interactive or even dynamic components are appropiate candidates for submission. Here are some examples, what kind of components tutorials may include:
- simple text and static graphics, like images and tables,
- dynamic graphics, like animations, movies and runtime visualizations or audio components,
- interactive media, like tables, simulations with paramter variation and dynamic visualization.
Additionally, ready-to-use tutorials may include the follwing features:
- instructions on how to use the media, especially if complex simulations are included
- tasks for students and case solutions for teachers
Technical requirements
There are no technical restrictions to the delivered materials. But authors should be aware of the readers technical equipment. Therefore, browser-ready materials are best from a technial point of view. Since some materials have to go beyond the restrictions coming with the use of internet browsers, propietary materials are possible as well. But authors should consider, that readers may not have the needed technical background knowledge for more complicated materials like binary code.
Descriptive article
Every submittted material should be supported by a desciptive article, providing the follwing informations:
- the material's topical context
- the learning objective
- the application context or educational scenario
- the educational experiences made with the material
- a description of the requirements to use/run the material
A combined article/material submission is recommended.