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//genesis - tutorial2.g - GENESIS Version 2.0
A sample script to create a soma-like compartment. SI units are used.
float PI = 3.14159
// soma parameters - chosen to be the same as in SQUID (but in SI units)
float RM = 0.33333 // specific membrane resistance (ohms m^2)
float CM = 0.01 // specific membrane capacitance (farads/m^2)
float RA = 0.3 // specific axial resistance (ohms m)
float EREST_ACT = -0.07 // resting membrane potential (volts)
float Eleak = EREST_ACT + 0.0106 // membrane leakage potential (volts)
float ENA = 0.045 // sodium equilibrium potential
float EK = -0.082 // potassium equilibrium potential
// cell dimensions (meters)
float soma_l = 30e-6 // cylinder equivalent to 30 micron sphere
float soma_d = 30e-6
float dt = 0.00005 // simulation time step in sec
setclock 0 {dt} // set the simulation clock
// Function Definitions
function makecompartment(path, length, dia, Erest)
str path
float length, dia, Erest
float area = length*PI*dia
float xarea = PI*dia*dia/4
create compartment {path}
setfield {path} \
Em { Erest } \ // volts
Rm { RM/area } \ // Ohms
Cm { CM*area } \ // Farads
Ra { RA*length/xarea } // Ohms
function make_Vmgraph
float vmin = -0.100
float vmax = 0.05
float tmax = 0.100 // default simulation time = 100 msec
create xform /data
create xgraph /data/voltage
setfield ^ xmax {tmax} ymin {vmin} ymax {vmax}
create xbutton /data/RESET -script reset
create xbutton /data/RUN -script "step "{tmax}" -time"
create xbutton /data/QUIT -script quit
xshow /data
// Main Script
create neutral /cell
// create the soma compartment "/cell/soma"
makecompartment /cell/soma {soma_l} {soma_d} {Eleak}
// provide current injection to the soma
setfield /cell/soma inject 0.3e-9 // 0.3 nA injection current
// make the graph to display soma Vm and pass messages to the graph
addmsg /cell/soma /data/voltage PLOT Vm *volts *red