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//genesis - RSnet.g
A network of simplified Regular Spiking neocortical neurons
with local excitatory connections
/* Customize these strings and parameters to modify this simulation for
another cell.
str cellfile = "RScell.p" // name of the cell parameter file
str synpath = "soma/Ex_channel" // compartment-name/synchan-name
// Label to appear on the graph
str graphlabel = "Network of simplified cortical pyramidal cells"
float tmax = 0.5 // simulation time
float dt = 50e-6 // simulation time step
float SEP_X = 0.001 // 1 mm
float SEP_Y = 0.001 // Scripts/piriform simulation uses 0.00067
int NX = 25 // number of cells = NX*NY
int NY = NX
/* parameters for synaptic connections */
float cond_vel = 0.5 // m/sec - or 2 msec for nearest neighbors
float prop_delay = SEP_X/cond_vel
float syn_weight = 10 // synaptic weight, effectively multiplies gmax
float gmax = 1e-9 // 1 nS - possibly a little small for this cell
float tau = 0.003
// index of middle cell (or approximately, if NX, NY are even)
int middlecell = {round {(NY-1)/2}}*NX + {round {(NX -1)/2}}
int InjCell = middlecell // default current injection point
// default (initial) parameters for current injection
float injwidth = 0.05 // 50 msec
// for constant injection, use injwidth >= tmax
float injdelay = 0
float injinterval = 1
float injcurrent = 1.0e-9
/* for debugging and exploring - see comments in file for details
Usage: synapse_info path_to_synchan
Example: synapse_info /network/cell[5]/Ex_channel
include synapseinfo.g
// =============================
// Function definitions
// =============================
function step_tmax
echo {NX*NY}" cells dt = "{getclock 0}" tmax = "{tmax}
echo "START: " {getdate}
step {tmax} -time
echo "END : " {getdate}
function set_weights(weight)
float weight
planarweight /network/cell[]/soma/spike -fixed {weight}
function set_delays(delay)
float delay
planardelay /network/cell[]/soma/spike -fixed {delay}
// planardelay /network/cell[]/soma/spike -radial {cond_vel}
function set_inj_timing(delay, width, interval)
float delay, width, interval
setfield /injectpulse width1 {width} delay1 {delay} \
baselevel 0.0 trig_mode 0 delay2 {interval - delay} width2 0
// free run mode with very long delay for 2nd pulse (non-repetitive)
// level1 is set by the inj_toggle function
function set_frequency(frequency)
float frequency
setfield /network/cell[]/{synpath} frequency {frequency}
// Main simulation section
setclock 0 {dt} // set the simulation clock
/* Make the network
Step 1: Assemble the components to build the prototype cell under the
neutral element /library.
// create prototype definitions used by the cell parameter file 'cellfile'
include protodefs.g // This creates /library with the cell components
// Now /library contains prototype channels, compartments, spikegen
/* Step 2: Create the prototype cell specified in 'cellfile', using readcell.
Then, set up the excitatory synchan in the appropriate compartment,
and the spikegen attached to the soma
readcell {cellfile} /library/cell
setfield /library/cell/{synpath} gmax {gmax}
setfield /library/cell/soma/spike thresh 0 abs_refract 0.004 output_amp 1
/* Step 3 - make a 2D array of cells with copies of /library/cell */
// usage: createmap source dest Nx Ny -delta dx dy [-origin x y]
createmap /library/cell /network {NX} {NY} -delta {SEP_X} {SEP_Y}
/* There will be NX cells along the x-direction, separated by SEP_X,
and NY cells along the y-direction, separated by SEP_Y.
The default origin is (0, 0). This will be the coordinates of cell[0].
The last cell, cell[{NX*NY-1}], will be at (NX*SEP_X -1, NY*SEP_Y-1).
/* Step 4: Now connect them up with planarconnect. Usage:
* planarconnect source-path destination-path
* [-relative]
* [-sourcemask {box,ellipse} xmin ymin xmax ymax]
* [-sourcehole {box,ellipse} xmin ymin xmax ymax]
* [-destmask {box,ellipse} xmin ymin xmax ymax]
* [-desthole {box,ellipse} xmin ymin xmax ymax]
* [-probability p]
/* Connect each source spike generator to excitatory synchans on the 4
nearest neighbors. Set the ellipse axes or box size just higher than the
cell spacing, to be sure cells are included. To connect to nearest
neighbors and the 4 diagonal neighbors, use a box:
-destmask box {-SEP_X*1.01} {-SEP_Y*1.01} {SEP_X*1.01} {SEP_Y*1.01}
For all-to-all connections with a 10% probability, set both the sourcemask
and the destmask to have a range much greater than NX*SEP_X using options
-destmask box -1 -1 1 1 \
-probability 0.1
Set desthole to exclude the source cell, to prevent self-connections.
planarconnect /network/cell[]/soma/spike /network/cell[]/{synpath} \
-relative \ // Destination coordinates are measured relative to source
-sourcemask box -1 -1 1 1 \ // Larger than source area ==> all cells
-destmask ellipse 0 0 {SEP_X*1.2} {SEP_Y*1.2} \
-desthole box {-SEP_X*0.5} {-SEP_Y*0.5} {SEP_X*0.5} {SEP_Y*0.5} \
-probability 1.1 // set probability > 1 to connect to all in destmask
/* Step 5: Set the axonal propagation delay and weight fields of the target
synchan synapses for all spikegens. To scale the delays according to
distance instead of using a fixed delay, use
planardelay /network/cell[]/soma/spike -radial {cond_vel}
and change dialogs in graphics.g to set cond_vel. This would be
appropriate when connections are made to more distant cells. Other
options of planardelay and planarweight allow some randomized variations
in the delay and weight.
planardelay /network/cell[]/soma/spike -fixed {prop_delay}
planarweight /network/cell[]/soma/spike -fixed {syn_weight}
/* Set up the circuitry to provide injection pulses to the network */
create pulsegen /injectpulse // Make a periodic injection current step
set_inj_timing {injdelay} {injwidth} {injinterval}
// set the amplitude (current) with the gain of a differential amplifier
create diffamp /injectpulse/injcurr
setfield /injectpulse/injcurr saturation 10000 gain {injcurrent}
addmsg /injectpulse /injectpulse/injcurr PLUS output
addmsg /injectpulse/injcurr /network/cell[{InjCell}]/soma INJECT output
// include the graphics functions
include graphics
// make the control panel
// make the graph to display soma Vm and pass messages to the graph
/* To eliminate net view and run faster, comment out the next line */
echo "Network of "{NX}" by "{NY}" cells with separations "{SEP_X}" by "{SEP_Y}