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A GENESIS GUI for cell models with a control panel for
providing inputs, and a graph with axis scaling
// Function Definitions
function overlaytoggle(widget)
str widget
setfield /##[TYPE=xgraph] overlay {getfield {widget} state}
function inj_toggle // toggles current injection ON/OFF
if ({getfield /control/injtoggle state} == 1)
setfield /injectpulse level1 1.0 // ON
setfield /injectpulse level1 0.0 // OFF
function set_injection
str dialog = "/control"
float inj_nA = {getfield {dialog}/inject value} // in nA
set_inj_timing {getfield {dialog}/injectdelay value} \
{getfield {dialog}/width value} {getfield {dialog}/interval value}
// inject is in nA
injcurrent = inj_nA*1e-9 // set the global injection current variable
setfield /injectpulse/injcurr gain {injcurrent}
echo "Injection current = "{getfield {dialog}/inject value} "nA"
echo "Injection pulse delay = "{getfield {dialog}/injectdelay value}
echo "Injection pulse width = "{getfield {dialog}/width value}
echo "Injection pulse interval = "{getfield {dialog}/interval value}
function change_stepsize(dialog)
str dialog
dt = {getfield {dialog} value}
setclock 0 {dt}
echo "Changing step size to "{dt}
function set_gmax(value)
float value
gmax = {value}*1e-9
setfield {synpath} gmax {gmax}
/* A subset of the functions defined in genesis/startup/xtools.g
These are used to provide a "scale" button to graphs.
"makegraphscale path_to_graph" creates the button and the popup
menu to change the graph scale.
function setgraphscale(graph)
str graph
str form = graph @ "_scaleform"
str xmin = {getfield {form}/xmin value}
str xmax = {getfield {form}/xmax value}
str ymin = {getfield {form}/ymin value}
str ymax = {getfield {form}/ymax value}
setfield {graph} xmin {xmin} xmax {xmax} ymin {ymin} ymax {ymax}
xhide {form}
function showgraphscale(form)
str form
str x, y
// find the parent form
str parent = {el {form}/..}
while (!{isa xform {parent}})
parent = {el {parent}/..}
x = {getfield {parent} xgeom}
y = {getfield {parent} ygeom}
setfield {form} xgeom {x} ygeom {y}
xshow {form}
function makegraphscale(graph)
if ({argc} < 1)
echo usage: makegraphscale graph
str graph
str graphName = {getpath {graph} -tail}
float x, y
str form = graph @ "_scaleform"
str parent = {el {graph}/..}
while (!{isa xform {parent}})
parent = {el {parent}/..}
x = {getfield {graph} x}
y = {getfield {graph} y}
create xbutton {graph}_scalebutton \
[{getfield {graph} xgeom},{getfield {graph} ygeom},50,25] \
-title scale -script "showgraphscale "{form}
create xform {form} [{x},{y},180,170] -nolabel
disable {form}
pushe {form}
create xbutton DONE [10,5,55,25] -script "setgraphscale "{graph}
create xbutton CANCEL [70,5,55,25] -script "xhide "{form}
create xdialog xmin [10,35,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} xmin}
create xdialog xmax [10,65,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} xmax}
create xdialog ymin [10,95,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} ymin}
create xdialog ymax [10,125,160,25] -value {getfield {graph} ymax}
/* Add some interesting colors to any widgets that have been created */
function colorize
setfield /##[ISA=xlabel] fg white bg blue3
setfield /##[ISA=xbutton] offbg rosybrown1 onbg rosybrown1
setfield /##[ISA=xtoggle] onfg red offbg cadetblue1 onbg cadetblue1
setfield /##[ISA=xdialog] bg palegoldenrod
setfield /##[ISA=xgraph] bg ivory
// Functions to create the Graphical User Interface
function make_control
int control_height = 285
create xform /control [10,50,250,{control_height}]
create xlabel /control/label -hgeom 25 -bg cyan -label "CONTROL PANEL"
create xbutton /control/RESET -wgeom 33% -script reset
create xbutton /control/RUN -xgeom 0:RESET -ygeom 0:label -wgeom 33% \
-script step_tmax
create xbutton /control/QUIT -xgeom 0:RUN -ygeom 0:label -wgeom 34% \
-script do_quit
create xdialog /control/stepsize -title "dt (sec)" -value {dt} \
-script "change_stepsize <widget>"
create xtoggle /control/overlay -script "overlaytoggle <widget>"
setfield /control/overlay offlabel "Overlay OFF" onlabel "Overlay ON" state 0
create xlabel /control/injlabel -label "Injection Parameters"
create xtoggle /control/injtoggle -label "" -script inj_toggle
setfield /control/injtoggle offlabel "Current Injection OFF"
setfield /control/injtoggle onlabel "Current Injection ON" state 1
inj_toggle // initialize
create xdialog /control/inject -label "Injection (nA)" \
-value {injcurrent*1e9} -script "set_injection"
create xdialog /control/injectdelay -label "Delay (sec)" \
-value {injdelay} -script "set_injection"
create xdialog /control/width -label "Width (sec)" \
-value {injwidth} -script "set_injection"
create xdialog /control/interval -label "Interval (sec)" \
-value {injinterval} -script "set_injection"
xshow /control
// if synchanpath non-null
if({synpath} != "")
create xform /syninput [10,{75 + control_height},250,155]
create xdialog /syninput/gmax -label "gmax (nS)" -value {gmax*1e9} \
-script "set_gmax <v>"
create xlabel /syninput/randact -label "Random background activation"
create xdialog /syninput/randfreq -label "Frequency (Hz)" -value 0 \
-script "set_frequency <v>"
create xtoggle /syninput/spiketrain_toggle
setfield /syninput/spiketrain_toggle offlabel "Spike input OFF" \
onlabel "Spike input ON" state 0
addmsg /syninput/spiketrain_toggle /spiketrain INPUT state
create xdialog /syninput/spike_interval -label "Spike interval (sec)" \
-value {spikeinterval} -script "setfield /spiketrain abs_refract <v>"
xshow /syninput
function make_Vmgraph
float vmin = -0.100
float vmax = 0.05
create xform /data [265,50,700,350]
create xlabel /data/label -hgeom 10% -label {graphlabel}
create xgraph /data/voltage -hgeom 90% -title "Membrane Potential" -bg white
setfield ^ XUnits sec YUnits Volts
setfield ^ xmax {tmax} ymin {vmin} ymax {vmax}
makegraphscale /data/voltage
xshow /data