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// genesis
// Customized userprefs.g to run the one-compartment RScell model
// This version uses the Destexhe and Parr (1999) Na, Kdr, and KM channels
echo Using local user preferences
** Step 1: Including script files for prototype functions
** Included files or code below should provide any needed prototype
** elements that are used by the cell reader in /library, or
** the functions needed to create them.
include protodefs.g
** 2 Invoking functions to make prototypes in the /library element
/* In this case, protodefs.g also makes the prototypes, so there is
nothing else to do.
** 3 Setting preferences for user-variables.
/* See defaults.g for default values of these */
str user_help = "README"
user_cell = "/cell"
user_pfile = "RScell.p"
user_symcomps = 0 // asymmetric
user_runtime = 0.500
user_dt = 20e-6 // 0.02 msec
user_refresh = 5
// These are used for the two buttons which can be used to enter a value
// in the "Syn Type" dialog box
user_syntype1 = "Ex_channel"
user_syntype2 = "Inh_channel"
user_inject = 0.5 // default injection current (nA)
//position the cell in the draw
user_wx = 500e-6
user_wy = 550e-6
user_cx = 0.0
user_cy = 0.0
//user_cy = 90e-6
user_fatrange1 = -60.0
user_fatrange2 = -60.0
// Set the scales for the graphs in the two cell windows
user_ymin1 = -0.1
user_ymax1 = 0.05
user_xmax1 = 0.25
user_xmax2 = 0.25
user_ymin2 = -0.1
user_ymax2 = 0.05
user_yoffset1 = 0.0
user_yoffset2 = 0.0
user_numxouts = 1