Recommended Citation
Ullrich J, Lorenz S, Pelz C, Menzel R (2005). Learning Paradigms Exemplified by Virtual Experiments with Honey Bees. Brains, Minds and Media, Vol. 2005, bmm156. (urn:nbn:de:0009-3-1567)BibTeX
@Article{Ullrich:2005, author = "Juliane Ullrich, Soeren Lorenz, Corinna Pelz, Randolf Menzel", title = "Learning Paradigms Exemplified by Virtual Experiments with Honey Bees", journal = "Brains, Minds and Media", number = "1", year = "2005" }
Full Metadata
Bibliographic Citation | Brains, Minds and Media, Volume 2005, Number 1 (2005-07-04) |
Title | Learning Paradigms Exemplified by Virtual Experiments with Honey Bees (eng) |
Author | Juliane Ullrich, Soeren Lorenz, Corinna Pelz, Randolf Menzel |
Language | eng |
Abstract | Learning is based on rules that can be elucidated by behavioural experiments. This article focuses on virtual experiments, in which non-associative learning (habituation, sensitization) and principles of associative learning (contiguity, inhibitory learning, generalization, overshadowing, positive and negative patterning) can be examined using 'virtual' honey bees in PER (Proboscis Reaction Extension) conditioning experiments. Users can develop experimental designs, simulate and document the experiments and find explanations and suggestions for the analysis of the learning experiments. The virtual experiments are based on video sequences and data from actual learning experiments. The bees' responses are determined by probability-based learning profiles. |
Subject | Behavioural neuroscience, non-associative learning, associative learning, PER conditioning, honey bee, virtual experiments |
Classified Subjects | ddc: Bee (B3914) |
DDC | 570 |
Rights | DPPL |
URN | urn:nbn:de:0009-3-1567 |